Andyの雑記帳blog (andy-e49er) ⁦‪@Accurasal‬⁩

内外について個人の思いを綴る雑記帳です|andy-e49er | Twitter@Accurasal

Kei Nishikori, Mr. A great Japanese Samurai

The great player can align what he will need to do so. With confidence Without timing loss. Seize the day !

Talking about him - Kei Nishikori. 

A first player in the history of Japanese Athletes with global nature, living and grown in the U.S. 

Talking about Kei Nishikori. 

I see possibility and feasibility in him among Japanese Athletes joining Global society and reaching success. 

- from my Facebook and Twitter. Thinking always what are the element and moment for Japanese to live and reach to Success in his/her environment.

- Globalization and Localization.