ときおり人生ジャーナル by あきしお ⁦‪@accurasal‬⁩

ときおり人生の思いを綴る雑記帳|andy-e49er | ID-Zerv 2b trusted @Accurasal

i was Interviewed by CNN, Atlanta 2011

昨年2011年の3.11.で、私がつぶやいたTwitter(英文)を見た、CNNのAtlanta から編集者の Catherine という人が電話かけてきた。☞ 『日本(東京)は食品Panic にはなっていないし、Food Safety 面は放射能の数値がNHKニュースや政府発表で出ているが人体への影響はないので、冷静な対応ができている』☞、というトーンを、私の知る「実態として」話した。その記事の抜粋が以下のもの;
i was Interviewed by CNN, Atlanta
2011..   昨年の話http://d.hatena.ne.jp/andy-e49er/20110323
2011年3月21日 13:56:41 Interview by CNN, Atlanta
Quote: ( I )
said he's changed his daily routine so he can keep up with the latest developments, carrying a radio with him 24 hours a day so he can listen to the news.
He said he is following closely updates about radioactive contamination in milk and spinach near the plant, but feels confident that the government is monitoring data to protect the population.
"I don't feel risk at this moment. ... I think it's under control," he said.

Efforts to cool down reactors at the plant saw a setback Monday as officials evacuated workers after gray smoke spewed from the building housing the plant's No. 3 reactor. Japan's nuclear safety agency said it was still investigating what caused the smoke, and that preliminary readings indicated radiation levels had not spiked.
Back to 2011 / I had received an Interview by CNN Atlanta on 3-21:
" In northeastern Japan, hope dwindles --- ": http://bit.ly/e87rJf #cnn