Andyの雑記帳blog (andy-e49er) ⁦‪@Accurasal‬⁩

内外について個人の思いを綴る雑記帳です|andy-e49er | Twitter@Accurasal



Finding no other way but listening Billy Joel's "52nd Street", which reminds me of New York where I visited peherps more than 10 times and I like it staying there with mostly culturallly sophisticated among many of the U.S. Cities. However, even this my favorate music scene cannot ease me so well and I cannot stop facing the PC keyboard with Wiskey-on-the-rock and still feeling as a strayed sheep. What I can do for this ? 
[フランス・ブルターニュ産の塩100%使用(まろやかな塩味/濃厚なコク)] / うたい文句を眺めながら。
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