ときおり人生ジャーナル by あきしお ⁦‪@accurasal‬⁩

ときおり人生の思いを綴る雑記帳|andy-e49er | ID-Zerv 2b trusted @Accurasal

You live only once. 何かを信じて生きて

You live only once. 

Accurasal (@Accurasal)
12/01 23:00:13@八重洲.
財津和夫サボテンの花 、大合唱で〆 た〜っ(^^)


⭕Somewhere in this Gaia, some people are suffering and sacrificed because of the difference of color of skin, belief, and the birth. I wanna pray hope & happiness to those who face difficult situation. 

" We are the World. We're the Children "

Seasons 's greetings and pray hope to people in the world. 


◆Andy ことづくりBlog - Fleur de SEL. צי  ☞ All Rights Reserved © Accurasal and Andy-e49er 2011-2012 //// ☞ Andy ことづくりBlog - Fleur de SEL. 本ブログのコンテンツは、著作者本人に全て帰属します。