Andyの雑記帳blog (andy-e49er) ⁦‪@Accurasal‬⁩

内外について個人の思いを綴る雑記帳です|andy-e49er | Twitter@Accurasal


another CNN Interview Article

"People are watching," the nuclear power plant incident "People are watching," said ---, who lives in Kawasaki. "And people have greater concern than ever about the nuclear power plant incident."CNN's Junko Ogura, Catherine E. Shoichet and…


Twitterへの発信情報 ◆冷静に心配しながら推移を注意深く見守りたい。 【WSJ】原発推進の動きに後退みられず=保安院の西山審議官 「今のところまだ何合目とか最終段階とは言いにくい状況にある」 【お見舞い…

2011-03-25 (Twitter)

@Accurasal: @LuvMko @catherinecnn There will be no such morning without the dawn. The darkest hour is always just before the dawn. : つらいことの後に必ずいいことがある2011-03-25 22:10:59 via Twitter for iPhone MAP @Accurasal: 事態から二週…